Tuesday, July 5, 2011

postcards from perth

these arrived in my mail box a few days ago. they're all the way from australia! one of my dearest friend, Gloria (i call her grace; inside joke) collects lovely things, like postcards! she won't be coming back only in 2 years time and i miss her terribly!!! she was like a sister to me. I can tell her anything and everything. do you have friends like that? (:

my favourite from the bunch(:

gloria if you are reading this, thanks for them loves all the way from australia!


  1. this is such a lovely, heart-warming post. <3 the postcards are so beautiful, i collect too! and i have stepsisters in Perth and i do miss them so terribly as well! ): xxx

  2. The postcards are really pretty! Postcard collecting and sending is such a nice idea.
